The Beginning of Creation from the Book of Genesis.
This blog post is based on our podcast episode “Beginnings”. To hear the episode, go to
We sometimes wonder how our world came to be. But here we find our answer. Our research has concluded that God created the earth and everything in it and made humans like himself. Although we may not understand the complexity of just how he did it, it is clear that God did create all life. This shows not only God’s authority over humanity but his deep love for all creation.
Our Research indicates that the book of Genesis was written by Moses to the people of Israel. The purpose of his writing was to record God’s creation of the world and his desire to have people worship him. It was probably written about 3472 years ago, between 1450 – 1410 BC in the wilderness during Israel’s wanderings, somewhere in the Sinai Peninsula.
Throughout your journey with us, you will become familiar with the term “Rhema.” The Greek rendering for “The Word” is “Rhema” and it means “The spoken Word of God for the “Now.” It is trusting God for inspiration, insights, and understanding of “The Word.” Rhema is “an Utterance” from God to the believer.
As we prepared for this podcast episode, we felt an utterance to stop after the very first verse in the Bible because of its significance. The Scripture we read was Genesis chapter 1: verse 1. (Genesis 1:1).
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. NLT
In the beginning – means there is a beginning. Let’s expand on that, a beginning of what? Well first, the beginning of His creation. But if we think deeper on this we can start to see that God must have existed before creation. The Bible starts off with God creating, not being created. There is another place in the Bible that helps prove this point; God created angels before the beginning because they observed His work of creation Job 38:1-7 speaks about them shouting for joy as He created.
Next, we see “God Created”. Not gods as plural, singular. One God. It was our God who created the heavens and the earth.
Another striking point in that same verse “God Created” we focus on “Created”. Think about our process of creating. Before we create something, we research and develop a plan. Then we prepare and execute that plan. And when was the last time you created something for no purpose whatsoever? When someone creates something, there is a greater purpose. It’s the same with God. He had a plan, He has a purpose for us!
That is such a reassuring revelation because sometimes, especially when life gets hard, we might wonder if there is a greater purpose to this life. The answer is yes! Even more, as we continue to read through the Bible you will discover God is so much more personal than just having a purpose for His Creation, he has a specific purpose for each of us as well. He looks at each of us as His special creation, His child.
The last thing we can touch on in this verse is that God created the Heavens, plural, and the earth, singular. This means that there are multiple heavens that God created, they didn’t create themselves. And God created our earth, it did not create itself.
What Should I do?
So, from the passage, what is the Lord revealing to you?
Have you ever questioned and/or doubted the truth about:
1) God’s existence?
2) His Creation?
Application is best understood using “I will” statements.
So for example, I will pray and ask God to reveal areas of doubt pertaining to:
1) His existence
2) The account of Creation
And, I will ask Him to remove those doubts and give me an increase in faith!
If you are struggling with any of this, I want you to know that it is okay. Hang in there with us and make a commitment to listen to the podcast for a few months or read our blog as we post the written summaries.
Our Bonus Episode to this will cover the topics of “What happened before the beginning,” and the Gap theory. To check that out you’ll want to watch it on our YouTube Chanelle or on our Podcast. See links below!
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