Matthew 6:33 What Happens When You Make God Your Priority?

Matthew 6:33 is a powerful and inspiring verse from the Bible that encourages us to seek God’s kingdom and righteousness above all else. It reads, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

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Mathew 25:35

Matthew 25:35 is a beautiful and inspiring verse from the Bible that speaks of the importance of showing compassion and kindness to others. It reads, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.”

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Era 2 Overview

The last event we see in the Beginnings Era is the Tower of Babel which we covered in THIS blog post, Reflecting on Genesis 11. The first event we cover in the second era is God calling Abram. Before we start this next amazing journey, we are going to introduce some context.

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Episode 12: Reflecting on Genesis 11

In Episode 12 on The Bible Breakthrough, we are discussing Genesis 11. We’re going to explore Genesis 11:27-32 NIV & Genesis 9:1 NIV to bring some context.

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Cain & Able

In the last episode, The Bible Breakthrough covered Genesis 3:1 – 24, and we saw how deception and confusion led to Adam and Eve sinning and sin’s brutal consequences. The scripture that we will read in episode 5 is Genesis 4:1-26. Here you’ll see how dramatically sin has affected humanity as Cain murders his brother, Abel.

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Special Guest, Kevin Lovegreen

In the last episode, The Bible Breakthrough covered Genesis 3:1 – 24, and we saw how deception and confusion led to Adam and Eve sinning and sin’s brutal consequences. The scripture that we will read in episode 5 is Genesis 4:1-26. Here you’ll see how dramatically sin has affected humanity as Cain murders his brother, Abel.

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5 Steps To Your Bible Breakthrough

We have a simple process we follow when consuming, or studying, the Bible. You will see this format play out in our podcast and vlog as well. It might be helpful to print this blog article out so you can make a habit out of this way of studying the word.

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Podcast Episode 1: The Beginning of Creation from the Book of Genesis

We sometimes wonder how our world came to be. But here we find our answer. Our research has concluded that God created the earth and everything in it and made humans like himself. Although we may not understand the complexity of just how he did it, it is clear that God did create all life. This shows not only God’s authority over humanity but his deep love for all creation.

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In The Beginning

Every story has a beginning, and so does the most extraordinary story ever told; God’s story. Think about this: God created the universe at the beginning of this story. He put everything in order, forming all the planets, stars, and galaxies, and he set them in motion. God created all the living creatures on earth and the crown of his creation he made in his image, humans. Creation isn’t the only “beginning” recorded in the Bible, though.

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Night in the Streets

It was an amazing night feeding 350-400 people at Harbor Light / Salvation Army. God was in the house and on the street! Many thanks to our wonderful volunteers, our Breakthrough staff, Tommy’s Malt Shop (who donated the hamburgers, buns, & ice cream), and Mike and Roxy Lynch with their “smoker”!

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