Crystal G

How do you feel that your experience at Breakthrough has equipped you to go out and be the hands and feet of Jesus?

My experience(s) at Breakthrough has given me boldness in terms of sharing the love of Jesus in other areas of my life…specifically at work.

It also created an avenue to step into other forms of ministry. Specifically, for example, God used Breakthrough to lead me into mentorship at an organization (MN Adult and Teen Challenge). The way that whole experience played out was undeniably orchestrated by God.  God used that mentorship opportunity for amazing spiritual growth…not only in my mentee but in myself.

Has your experience with Breakthrough Ministries inspired you to do ministry differently? If yes, please tell us how you did ministry before your Breakthrough experience and how it is different now. 

My experience at Breakthrough has allowed me to Explore a different way of approaching people.

Breakthrough Ministries has taught me how to let the Holy Spirit lead me towards certain people. It has also taught me to adjust some of my language in order to have more of a servant attitude. For example, asking someone, “How can I bless you today?” instead of, “Can I pray for you?”. This has changed the recipient’s response overall…allowing an open door for God to move.
Another way I’ve grown is in resilience to negative responses from those I’ve approached. My experience at Breakthrough has helped me to not be so easily upset when people lash out at me.

What would you say to them if you could share one thing with someone who has never experienced Breakthrough Ministries or might be on the fence about volunteering with us? 

The most fulfilling thing we as people can do, is serve others…and you never know…you might just touch a life while you’re doing it.

ByElizabeth Miller

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