How do you feel that your experience at Breakthrough has equipped you to go out and be the hands and feet of Jesus?
Breakthrough Ministries launched our Missions Week for our school. Breakthrough provided great training on not just how to physically serve, but how to boldly reach others through their love for Jesus. It was encouraging to see how our kids captured the heart for serving that Breakthrough taught and modeled. They carried what they learned at Breakthrough into the rest of their week of service.
Has your experience with Breakthrough Ministries inspired you to do ministry differently? If yes, please tell us how you did ministry before your Breakthrough experience and how it is different now.
Breakthrough Ministries has transformed how I teach kids about service. Relationally reaching out to the community we serve is just as important as how we physically serve those in need. It has transformed not just how we serve but also how we focus on speaking to the hearts of those we serve.
What would you say to them if you could share one thing with someone who has never experienced Breakthrough Ministries or might be on the fence about volunteering with us?
Breakthrough will change your heart for serving others. It will transform not only how you serve those but how you intentionally interact with everyone in your community.
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